The Foreign-Born
Voters of California
in 1872 - Database Index
compiled by
Jim W. Faulkinbury, CG®
This is webbase includes an
alphabetized listing of 61,691 records from the "Great Registers" of each
California county of 1872. This database is organized to present a statewide
index including the surname and
given name of the voter, age at year of registration (not necessarily 1872) , country or place of birth and record
Major Source of Naturalization Details: One of the important features of
this database is that, in requiring the registrants to prove their citizenship,
about 70% of the listed entries include naturalization
details - specific date, specific location and specific court!
The Web-Base has been
broken into several files each containing approximately 2,000 records. The
following links will take you to the Web-Base file that contains the records
starting with the name on the link.